26 mar 2014

#OYMYAKON, the #coldestTown on #earth, #Russia 4

To reach Oymyakon one must take the Kolyma highway, a road built by Stalin’s order, by convicts and political prisoners. 

Many thousands of them died  during the tough construction and they were later buried under the pavement, that is why the Kolyma highway is known as the "road of bones."

As you can see in the image before, in winter snow on the roads is so thick that many trucks end up literally buried under the snow, and in summer the route turns into a quagmire in which it 
is very often bogged down.

The vehicles arriving at Oymyakon are equipped with double glass to keep out cold air from the cabin, and the engine must remain running for as long as it’s fuel last, otherwise it almost instantly freezes