26 mar 2014

#OYMYAKON, the #coldestTown on #earth, #Russia 3

Interestingly, the name Oymyakon means “ water that never freezes. “

 The government decided to build the city here because of the presence of hot water springs. In addition, Oymyakon is in a valley surrounded by high mountains that stop the wind. This makes it more bearable, the extreme temperatures in winter, but during the brief summer period, the temperature can reach +35 ° C.
 (Can you imagine the great differences in temperature?)

In the early twentieth century it was a place of reindeer herding. Later in its heyday, the Soviet regime created a city equipped with all necessities. It created an important development as the mountains of the region are extremely rich in gold, silver, platinum and other metals. However, most residents of Oymyakon are barely above the poverty line.

About after 2 hours at -52 ° C
Now the city survives on local resources (as before), especially livestock, hunting and fishing, and also of tourism which is a destination for many adventurers and eccentrics.

The mayor issues a certificate stating the visit of the coldest point, where
 very few tourists come each year